Monday, October 3, 2016

Ch. 5 - Developing A Global Vision

Leading up to this blog, I have explained different ways on how Apple uses strategic planning and an overview of their marketing skills. In the same fashion, this blog will look at some Apple facts, show visual area of increased global abroad sales and look at how Apple is a part of a company with a global reach around the world (introducing their products to many countries worldwide as possible).

As Apple continues to grow, each year they are leaping forward and pushing their international sales strategy.

FUN FACT! Did you know, at the end of October of 2014 the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 plus were only available in 69 countries? Additionally there was a total of 115 countries and territories eventually planned for the end of 2014.

As we all know, the iPhone is the same design concept all over the world. Apple did not customize their iPhones in terms of feature and design. People may think Apple is taking the concept of "globalization" to aim and pursuit the one size fits all concept approach. This includes: systemized designs built on the iPhone across all regions, the same range of products for all countries and no visible customization (localization) with the exception of power source, pricing, and carrier specifications.

Apple's Revenue By Region

Another important factor to note is that Apple products have done great abroad. Apple products target price-sensitive growing markets. Their premium base product might not have fully established a customer base as of yet, but they have built the idea of increasing profit margins across the globe, both  locally and globally.


For Apple to have global vision, aim to be the best and be a company for globalization is a great strategy. Apple has over 479 retail stores in 18 different countries. For each individual store Apple follows a strict customer service protocol and outlook, which is tailored to each region. This creates smart strategic methods of being loyal and also being attached to their customers. As a result, the local staff at the retail chains in each region of the world uses a personalized approach to communicate with each of their customers. This method is very smart because not only is Apple expanding their company abroad, but they are converting people into buying their products using the locals as staff. Ultimately, this helps customers worldwide with Apple products in their own language and country. 

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